Invitation to speakers

After an exceptional period of time, we are now happy to announce that the Swedish Institute of Rubber Technology (SGF) organizes rubber conference 1st of December 2021 at the Plastteknik fair, Malmö, Sweden. The conference attracts rubber technicians as from most Swedish and Scandinavian rubber companies. We expect to get 50 participants from Swedish and Scandinavian rubber industry. Speakers may attend in person or via link to the auditorium.

It is our pleasure to invite you as a speaker at our conference. Please send your abstract of maximum 250 words to . The deadline for submission is November 1st. Authors will be notified no later than November 15th. For further info please see our webpage, which will be updated continuously.  We hope you would appreciate this opportunity of presenting knowledge in the field of polymers and/or rubber technology to our technically skilled audience.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Swedish Rubber Association/Sveriges Gummitekniska Förening

More info will be published continuously on SGF’s homepage